Trading Corner

Hey Jammers!
If you have anything you want to trade, just e-mail me:
And I will post it up here whenever I get a chance to.
Your entry will look like this:
[Username] [Closed or Open]
[What you want to trade] [The colors of the Item]
[Who won the trade (If anybody did)]
[Who has offered anything for your trade]
If you don't get any people that want your trade, you may e-mail me, and I will close your trade, or you can keep it open.
If you have many votes, but you don't want of the things you are offered, you may keep the trade opened, or you may close it.
If you want something, e-mail me (above) with the your username, and the person who you want to trade with.
Trade Fairly!

[Purplespy2000] [Opened]
[NonMember Bow] [Green and Purple]
[Nobody has won this trade yet]
[Nobody has offered a trade yet]

[Purplespy2000] [Opened]
[Royal Tiara] [Pink]
[Nobody has won this trade yet]
[Nobody has offered a trade yet]

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